Emmet Friel cyber security blog

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Building GCC from source

Introduction Simple breakdown on installing GCC from source, updating the system with the newer version and updating GLIBC shared libraries. This will walk through installing GCC 11.4.0. GCC Releases can be download here. Dependencies sudo apt install bzip2 flex build-essentials Install tar xzf gcc-11.4.0.tar.gz cd gcc-11.4.0 ./contrib/do... Read more

Why is Resilient Timekeeping Important For Creating Resilient Critical Infrastructure?

All of our everyday conveniences from the electricity that powers our homes, the clean water running through our taps, browsing the internet, making phone calls, and purchasing items online all require some form of positional, navigation and timing (PNT) services. Additionally, people heavily rely on other infrastructure such as hospitals, trans... Read more

Structuring, Packaging and Installing Python Projects

Introduction Packaging, structuring, and setting up Python projects is something I rarely considered. Most of my Python work has been scripting for automation. However, the need for an open-source CLI application at work prompted me to research and implement best practices for setting up, structuring, and packaging Python projects. Packaging a... Read more

Breaking down PUF Analysis Metrics

Prerequesites This post assumes the reader has basic knowledge of PUFs, Cryptography and Statistics. Introduction Working as a non academic engineer in the academic field of PUFs (Physical Unclonable Functions) without a background in cryptography, I found myself facing the daunting task of digesting complex academic papers. It was like tryi... Read more